Newspaper is a good source for general knowledge. That's why children should read newspaper daily. said Mahboob Alam
Jamshedpur. Dec 27: Newspaper is a good source for general knowledge. That's why children should read newspaper daily. These things were said by the Chairman of Chishti Students Welfare Organisation, Mahboob Alam, at the organization's meeting at Jubilee Park. He also emphasized on the study of newspapers and magazines published by the organization to improve general knowledge. After the meeting the quiz was conducted, the role of quiz master was played by Mehboob Alam and the role of scorer was played by Md Ashfaqullah and Md Iqbal. The winners of the competition were awarded. Presided over by Haji Ahmed Hussain and conducted by Prof. by Javed Ansari. Many dignitaries including Mumtaz Shariq, Aamir Firdausi, Mo Naushad Alam, Mokhtar Alam Khan, Pramod Singh, Riyaz Sharif, Imtiaz Khan, Liaquat, Mo Noor, Shamim were present on this occasion.